West Huron Youth Club kids have learned . . .
To build & utilize bonfires
To plant and harvest an herb garden
To identify trees, plants birds & animals
To identify animal tracks
To train a dog
To carve a decoy
About Ferrier skills
To build blinds & stands
To call waterfowl & other wildlife
To tie bait-type flies & knots
About invasive species
To build bluebird houses and duck nests
How duck, goose, and turkey calls are made
To cook in Dutch Ovens
To hunt pheasants
To clean and prepare pheasants for cooking
To plant and maintain a vegetable garden
To help the hungry by donating the vegetables they harvest
About sheep herding
Meetings on the 1st Sunday of every month at 1:00 p.m.
4511 Cleveland Road West
Huron, Ohio 44839
It's time to have fun at the pond again!!
Join us for our "17th Day in the Outdoors" on Saturday, June 15th, 2024 | 11am-3pm
at 4511 Cleveland Road West, Huron, Ohio.
***One Driveway East of Maples Motel***
Everyone is welcome to attend & there is NO ADMISSION FEE for youth or adults. We will begin the day with a Welcome & Invocation. Youth can participate in fishing at the pond, archery & tomahawk throwing.
Michele Butler, Wildlife Officer with Ohio Division of Wildlife, will be joining the event with the Division's "Treasure Trunks". New to the event this year is the "Soil is Alive" Activity Van from the Erie Soil & Water Conservation District.
Food & Beverages are provided free of charge to all attendees. Serving cups of Toft's Ice Cream compliments of West Huron Youth Club!! Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the day. The 2024 Recognition Award will be presented at 1:00 p.m. & the drawing for the $500.00 Cash Prize will take place at 3:00 p.m.
Come & spend a fun-filled "Day in the Outdoors!!!

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